nternational Women's Day 2024, "Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress"

By Leadership Coach Gabriela Mueller Mendoza, March 2024

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The theme for International Women’s Day 2024, “Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress” highlights the paramount significance of empowering women economically in attaining gender equality. This theme complements the primary issue of the United Nations’ 68th Commission on the Status of Women, concentrating on promoting global economic inclusion for women and girls.

As International Women’s Day #IWD2024 approaches, I am reminded of my roots in the bustling city of Mexico City. Growing up in a large and loving family, I was surrounded by remarkable women who played a significant role in shaping my life. My Abuela Maria, my bisabuela Gabriela (gran-grandmother), and the strong women who came before them were not just the heart of our family, but also its sturdy backbone. Despite managing a household of over 5-8 children back in the days, many of them also held jobs and contributed to our family’s income. Witnessing their resilience and fortitude left me in awe. Through their actions, these women instilled in me the belief that gender equality is not just a theoretical concept, but a way of life and a constant practice. They taught me that a woman’s place is wherever she chooses it to be – whether it’s in the comfort of her home, the bustling workplace, or even in leadership roles.

Despite making strides, women continue to face significant obstacles in achieving equal economic participation. These hindrances encompass limited access to education, employment opportunities, financial services, and financial literacy. To truly achieve gender equality, it is crucial to provide women and girls with equal opportunities to develop their skills and abilities.

So the women before me and those in my life today, are all inspiring women have shown me that gender equality is not just a concept to be talked about; it is something that must be experienced and practiced every single day. They have broken the notion that a woman’s place is limited to certain spaces, whether it be at home, in the workplace, or in leadership positions. Through their own lives, they have proved that pursuing both motherhood and a career is not only possible, but can also lead to a fulfilling and successful life. Their teachings have become the foundation of my beliefs and principles, shaping not only my personal perspectives, but also the mission of my company and the values of my team. Right from the beginning, I have made a conscious effort to view everything I write, do, say, record, speak about, and post through the lens of gender and equity.

This understanding has become an integral part of my worldview, guiding me towards a more inclusive and equal society.

International Women’s Day, observed on March 8th, is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. Significant activity is witnessed worldwide as groups come together to celebrate women’s achievements or rally for women’s equality.

Marked annually, International Women’s Day #IWD2024 is one of the most important days of the year to:

  • Celebrate women’s achievements: The day is an opportunity to celebrate the remarkable contributions women have made in various fields, breaking barriers and setting new standards.
  • Raise awareness about women’s equality: IWD is a platform to highlight the ongoing struggle for gender equality and the need to continue advocating for the rights and opportunities of women everywhere.
  • Lobby for accelerated gender parity: The day serves as a reminder that, despite progress, the journey to gender parity is far from over. It’s a call to action to accelerate efforts towards this goal.
  • Fundraise for female-focused charities: IWD is also an opportunity to support organizations and initiatives that are working towards women’s empowerment and gender equality.
  • Each year, the day has a specific theme that focuses on a particular aspect of women’s rights and issues. These themes are a call to action and serve as a focal point for events and activities.

International Women’s Day is not country, group, or organization specific. The day belongs to all groups collectively everywhere. It’s a day for global celebration and a call for gender parity. No one government, NGO, charity, corporation, academic institution, women’s network, or media hub is solely responsible for International Women’s Day. The day is marked by a rich diversity of initiatives, from rallies, performances, networking events, conferences, to marches, debates, and more.

So what?

No cause will matter unless we all get involved. What can you do as manager, leader or member of team to advocate, ease the path of gender equality.

Absolutely, here are seven straightforward and actionable steps that managers, regardless of their background, can take to promote gender equality in the workplace:

  1. Conduct Regular Pay Audits: Regularly review and analyze the salaries and bonuses of all employees to ensure there is no gender pay gap. If discrepancies are found, take immediate action to rectify them. This promotes transparency and fairness in compensation.
  2. Implement Bias-Training Programs: Organize training sessions for all employees, especially those in hiring and management positions, to recognize and mitigate unconscious biases. This helps create a more inclusive environment where decisions are based on merit, not gender.
  3. Promote Work-Life Balance: Implement policies that support work-life balance, such as flexible working hours, remote work options, and parental leave for both mothers and fathers. This ensures that both men and women can balance their professional and personal responsibilities effectively.
  4. Encourage Diverse Hiring Practices: When hiring, ensure that the pool of candidates is diverse. This can be achieved by posting job ads in a variety of places and working with diverse recruitment agencies. Also, consider having diverse interview panels to reduce bias in the selection process.
  5. Create Clear Paths for Advancement: Develop transparent criteria for promotions and career advancement that are based on performance and qualifications, not gender. Ensure that women have equal access to mentorship and professional development opportunities.
  6. Foster an Inclusive Culture: Regularly hold meetings and workshops that emphasize the importance of diversity and inclusion. Encourage open dialogue where employees can express concerns and suggestions related to gender equality without fear of retaliation.
  7. Lead by Example: As a manager, set a strong example by treating all employees equally, giving equal opportunities for participation in meetings, and acknowledging the achievements of both men and women equally. Your behavior sets the tone for the rest of the team.

This observance is a significant day for promoting the message of equality, celebrating achievements, and continuing the fight for gender parity in all aspects of society.

We are on all in this together. Let’s start action upon this year’s theme:  Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress. More under https://unwomen.org.au/get-involved/international-womens-day/

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