Why diversity without inclusion won't work

By Gabriela Mueller Mendoza

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Getting serious about Diversity is going to require companies more than a “one-off tick box ” course or a speech.

Many companies are attempting to tackle it by increasing the numbers of traditionally underrepresented people in their workforce, and this does not automatically produce benefits. Taking an “add diversity and stir” approach, while business continues as usual, will not spur leaps in any firm’s effectiveness or financial performance.

The business case speaks for itself — diverse teams are more innovative and successful in going after new markets. Though they are missing the KEY ingredient: INCLUSION. I submit that Inclusion goes first, then real Diversity will follow. Not the opposite.

“Diversity” and “inclusion” are so often lumped together that they are assumed to be the same thing. But that’s just not the case. In the context of the workplace, diversity equals representation. Without inclusion, diversity does not stick. The key connections that attract diverse talent, encourage their participation, foster innovation, and lead to business growth will not happen.

Who is a an INCLUSIVE LEADER in 2021?

 Inclusive leaders. This kind of leadership is a conglomeration of six behaviours:

  1. ensuring that team members speak up and are heard.
  2. making it safe to propose novel ideas.
  3. empowering team members to make decisions.
  4. taking advice and implementing feedback.
  5. giving actionable feedback.
  6. and sharing credit for team success.

Of employees who report that their team leader has at least three of these traits, 87% say they feel welcome and included in their team, 87% say they feel free to express their views and opinions, and 74% say they feel that their ideas are heard and recognized. For respondents who reported that their team leader has none of these traits, those percentages dropped to 51%, 46%, and 37%, respectively.

Diversity without inclusion is a story of missed opportunities, of employees so used to being overlooked that they no longer share ideas and insights. Now, diversity with inclusion provides a potent mix of talent retention and engagement.

If your team is:

a) Diverse in culture, age, background, race, sexual orientation, dis/ability, thinking style, gender and any other Diversity dimension AND

b) they are storming and nor performing, and/or

c) they are experiencing conflict, misunderstanding and morale is low

Don’t wait any longer. Recognize there’s a problem and take action to solve it. You may consider the values/behaviors we mentioned. You can also contact us or other true certified professionals.

DI work done poorly or by professionals who do not recognize or presented those groups, will be inefficient helping you solve the problem. Remember losing talent, valuable ideas, missing out on innovation, a high turnover rate are all the price tags of not taking action.

Contact us  for strategic advice info- at- gabrielamueller.com

Numerous studies show that diversity alone doesn’t drive inclusion. In fact, without inclusion there’s often a diversity backlash. Don’t waste your team’s potential, make it work so everyone wins.

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