It is never too late to start a new path

By Executive Coach Gabriela Mueller Mendoza – Future-Skills Advisor - November 2022

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It is NEVER too late to start a new path. This pandemic has revealed that employees who merged their sense of worth and identify as 1 entity struggle more when their job is gone or on the line. This can lead to bigger issues, such as depression, anxiety, stress, and loneliness.

As a coach, I provide value to corporate leaders who want to keep an ‘eye on the ball’ about this, focused on their value at work and their worth as people.

  • Here are a few insightful IDEAS to keep always an open mind about a career change regardless our age:
  • Look beyond your job title. Consider reframing your relationship to your career in terms of your skills that could be used across different contexts
  • Free up time. Delegate tasks at work to free up time, and (crucially) fill that time with non-work related activities. Don’t get busier. Be more strategic in the use of your time.
  • Decide what’s important to you. Establish and review your principles and values. What is most important to you? Often called A “Values Clarification” exercise.
  • Stay smart. Invest in yourself, specifically in those skills one does not learn in formal education
  • Rebuild your network. Reach out to friends, and former colleagues and form new alliances.

Stay open. It is never too late mi amigo!

Your mindset can be the biggest obstacle on your path. It will change your attitude completely.

All worth-while journeys will have its own obstacles. These are a normal part of your road to a better you, better skills, or any other goals you want to achieve.

When you come in with the idea that it’s too late or too early for you, you are not, in fact, constrained by your age, at least, not in most situations (I’m sure there are physical limitations when it comes to mobility and other challenges) though I am sure you understand what I am talking about_: entrepreneurship, business ideas, personal challenges, new mental skills, adventure, innovation, discovery and curiosity.. You are more constrained by your own mindset and ideas.

Instead, focus on how much you can do. Don’t set boundaries for yourself, especially not before you have even started trying.

Your mindset is by far the biggest obstacle you are likely to face. Good news is that it can also be the shortest and most effective tool you have, and you will ever have.

Don’t worry about failure. Worry about the chances you missed when you didn’t even try.

Go for you boldest goals regardless your age. Start today.

If you want to continue developing future-skills check out our upcoming Online Future-ready Academy Options Winter 2022/2023.

#mindset #goalsetting #failure #executivecoaching

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