Small Talks, Big Impact: The 7 Unexpected Benefits of Small Interactions With Strangers

By Leadership Coach Gabriela Mueller Mendoza, May 2024

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Good morning, Buenos Dias! Last month, I set off for Paris to train leaders in sports, a thought strikes me: the countless opportunities I’ll have to chat with strangers. Have you ever stopped to think about the last time you had a genuinely good conversation with someone you just met? I’m not talking about sharing all your secrets, but about those little interactions that leave you feeling a bit brighter, even if they’re just brief exchanges.

You might not think much of these moments, but science * – along with experience – tells us they’re golden. They lift our mood, sharpen our minds, and give us a sense of community and well-being into our lives. They might even add years to our life! Mas vida! Ony my journey to Paris, I challenge myself to be more mindful of the people around me – the train conductor, the fellow passenger, the friendly barista, the helpful airline staff, and, yes, even my Uber driver.

Switching on my ‘connectedness‘ button, I start engaging in small talks. Whether it’s a quick chat with my seat neighbour or a more extended conversation with my Uber driver in a mix of French and Spanish, each interaction brightened my day. These exchanges prove especially valuable in trying moments, like waiting in line for security checks at the airport, making me feel more empathetic and connected. I know, it’s hard to imagine being empathetic while standing in lines, but I discovered it can be done.

By the end of my trip, the benefits were clear. I’ve had dozens of small yet meaningful interactions that made my trip even more special. I return feeling connected, in high spirits, and physically less tired. All it took was a simple hello, a hand with luggage, or a smile to a stranger. These small acts of kindness and connection go a long way.

If you want any of the following benefits, it’s time you step out of your comfort zone, or overthinking and start interacting in small ways with strangers.

  1. Boosts in Mood and Sense of Belonging: A study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships found that casual social interactions, even with strangers, can improve an individual’s mood and contribute to a greater sense of belonging. These interactions help break the monotony of daily routines and create a feeling of being part of a larger community.
  2. Impact on Mental Health: Research in the field of positive psychology indicates that engaging in small talk or brief interactions with strangers can have a surprisingly positive impact on mental health. According to a study in the journal “Emotion,” these interactions can reduce feelings of social isolation and increase a sense of social connectedness, which is crucial for mental well-being.
  3. Cognitive Benefits: Engaging with strangers can also offer cognitive benefits. A study by the University of Michigan suggests that social interactions, even brief ones, can help keep the brain sharp and may contribute to improved cognitive function. This is particularly beneficial as one ages.
  4. Building Empathy and Social Skills: Interacting with a diverse range of individuals can enhance empathy and understanding of different perspectives. It also helps in honing social skills and adaptability in various social situations, as noted in research published in the journal “Personality and Individual Differences.”
  5. Enhancing Overall Life Satisfaction: A study from the University of British Columbia found that participants who engaged in brief conversations with strangers at a coffee shop reported higher levels of happiness and life satisfaction. This suggests that even small, positive interactions can contribute to a greater sense of fulfillment and happiness.
  6. Reducing Social Anxiety: For individuals who experience social anxiety, brief interactions with strangers can serve as a form of gentle exposure therapy, gradually reducing anxiety over time. This is supported by research in clinical psychology showing that controlled social engagement can help alleviate symptoms of social anxiety.
  7. Promoting a Sense of Community: Casual conversations with strangers can foster a sense of community and connectedness in public spaces. This is especially important in urban environments, where people may often feel isolated despite being surrounded by others.

I definitely recommend checking out Malcom Gladwell’s insights in “Talking to Strangers.” One key takeaway? The golden rule never fails: Treat others as you’d like to be treated. Approach strangers with sincerity and kindness, and you’re more likely to get the same in return. It’s a simple yet powerful way to connect and create positive vibes all around.

So, give it a try, no matter where you are in the world. If you don’t get a smile back the first time, don’t worry – keep at it. Trust in the power of small interactions. With consistency, at least one in three people will reciprocate your kindness. Here are the benefits you can gain from these simple, yet powerful practices.


  • Studies: Holt-Lunstad et al., 2015; Van Lange & Columbus, 2021
  • Center of disease control prevention
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